Cerebral Haemodynamics

Among the reasons producing neurootological diseases prevail the vascular affections. Therefore, we have introduced non-invading methods in the daily routine, in order to be able to study cerebral haemodynamics.

equipo doppler

Sonotechnik equipment for transcranial and extracranial USD

Researching methods

We study cerebral haemodynamics by means of Ultrasound Doppler Sonography - USD, which consists in supporting a probe on the skull area, capable of giving out a sound in a frequency ( variable depending on the depth artery).

The sound is reflected by the bloodcells column which circulates through the artery, allowing the evaluation of different arterial parameters by means of computer methods:

  • speed
  • flow
  • direction of the blood current
  • peripherical resistance
  • stenoses degree (occlusions)

According to the depth of the cerebral arteries to be studied, the Ultrasound Doppler Sonography could be directed towards arteries out of the skull­Extracranial - USD­or towards those arteries located within the skull­Transcranial-USD­

arteria vertebral

Anatomy of vertebral arteries

52% of our patients consult on vertigo based on a previous diagnosis derived from cervical disorders. The ability of measuring cerebral haemodynamics enables us to observe thatonly 5%of this group showsvertigo caused by a cervical disorder due to changes registered in the flow of the vertebral artery.

We consider arthrosis on the cervical spine of low clinical value as the main reason of neurootological lesions, but being highly important to this end the capilar haemodynamic disorders, which produce metabolic changes in cerebral cells.