Neurootological Research Award 2010
From April 15th. through April 18th. 2010, took place in Bad Kissingen, Germany, the 37th . meeting of the International Society of Neurootology and Equilibriometry.
This institution joined researchers of 48 countries around the world, devoted to the study of the sense organs, their cerebral projections and their diseases, particularly those referred to Hearing and Equilibrium System.
The pre-Congress Symposium was dedicated to the Laudatio of the professional activity of Dr. Julia Matilde Bergmann and Dr. Guillermo Oscar Bertora, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, who by means of computerized methods and neurophysiological images in 3D have investigated the analysis of neurosensorial vias and the drawing up of cerebral responses.
Many of the researching techniques presently in force are due to their own initiative, as they have been actively involved in their development.
They received the “Neurootological Research Award 2010” due to their working on Menière Disease, a dysfunction provoking disability usually shown by serious vertigo or dizziness attacks, hypoacousis and tinnitus or ear buzzing, demonstrating its origin in alterations produced at the cerebral frontal lobe.
On top of the above activity, another reason for this Award has been the description of tinnitus intracerebral via– disease affecting 10% of the population- they have described the cerebral regulation vias of this pathology, establishing at the same time a proper topodiagnosis and its corresponding treatment.